Your brand is what everyone
else is saying about you.
Let's get them saying
the right things!

5 episodes
1 workbook
30 minutes

All you have to do is sign up. 

Episode 1: You have a brand. Let’s define it.
Episode 2: Finding the purpose of it all.
Episode 3: Get to the core of your values.
Episode 4: Not another boring elevator pitch.
Episode 5: Let's put it all to work for you.

Get people talking about you

"Our clients aren't telling other people about us. They love us, so we know they want to share the love but what do they say?

How do we get them to start talking about us the way we want them to?"

"Our business has changed a lot over the years and now there's a disconnect between what we do and what other people say about us. 

How do we get everyone on the same page?"

"This branding thing is so new to me. I'm just starting out in business and want to make sure I do things right - hiring, clients, partnerships.

What do I need to think about as I get started?"

Get the answers to these questions & more in under 30 minutes.

What are people saying?


"I gave myself permission to skip exercise 5 because I just couldn't think of a brand ambassador ... but four hours later, the perfect person came to mind. It was an interesting experience. There was a real value to thinking of a person and saying no because it helped clarify what I needed in my yes candidate. Thanks for this! Melanie is awesome! (No doubt you know that already, but it's always worth saying.)"
- Colleen Pelar, CDBC, CPDT-KA
"I did Bite-Sized Branding because I was tired of trying to build a brand that "talked" to everyone and no one at the same time. I found I DO have an ideal client and that the more I practice talking to "her" (mine are women), the better I will get at attracting her. The videos are great, but the juice is in The Awesome Workbook. I even changed my website content while taking the course. I've tried other sources before but this one really helped get to the root of my brand and visualize it."
- Lina Salazar, Health Coach LiveWellWay
"You rock! Everything you do is beautiful and professional! This was a lot of rich, valuable content delivered in easy to take in doses. Thank you!"
- Lisa Luken of Simple Joy Living
"Bite-Sized Branding is all of Melanie's best branding strategies packaged into small, easy-to-chew pieces. With Melanie as your guide, you'll journey along a well-defined path to purposeful branding that resonates with the soul of your company and attracts your own tribe of ideal humans."
- Karina Dorn of Second + Seven

Melanie Spring

I’m Melanie Spring and my personal brand is Approachable Badass. The girl who became your best friend within the first 5 minutes of meeting you. The smile you responded to with your own inner glow. The badass who tipped you off the edge of the cliff you were scared of jumping off. The big personality who entered a room in a big way while making sure you’re comfortable. 

The tough chick who cares more about how you show up than you do. The adventurer who does epic shit on the regular. The brand strategist who boldly pushes past your boundaries. The facilitator who pulls out her inner 2nd-grade teacher if things get off track. The get-shit-done warrior who makes sure you walk away with what you need. The woman who knows her superpowers and uses them for good. 

I run Branded Confidence by Melanie Spring & it's my job to help you rock your brand.